Become a Member
In order to become a member of the Venice Diplomatic Society as "socio ordinario" (simple member) with "diritto di voto" (right to vote), the provision of your personal data by filling the online subscription form below is mandatory (il trattamento dei dati personali attua nel rispetto della recente normativa sulla Privacy, nota come Regolamento UE 2016/679 o GDPR); then, you'll be asked to fulfill the payment of the annual membership fee of €5.00.
It is important to acknowledge the legal implications the subscription involves. Thus, we ask the prospective members to:
Take a look at the "Modulo Associativo" (Subscription Form) (PDF Italian version*);
Read the "Statuto Associativo" (Chart) carefully (PDF Italian version*) in order to acknowledge the mission and assess whether the pillars are shared;
Read the "informative sulla privacy e sui cookies" (Privacy Policy) (PDF Italian version*);
Accept the discharge of the organization (PDF Italian version*) implied by the fulfillment of the online subscription form.
* since the Venice Diplomatic Society is registered at the Italian "Agenzia delle Entrate", domestic law requires that these documents be in Italian.
After the detailed review of the four documents, in case you wish to join the association, you'll be required to submit your personal data and fulfill the box below, which is the online subscription form. Next, you will be directly contacted by the Secretary and the Treasurer of VDS, who will guide to complete the subscription with the payment of the fee.
Once all the steps are done, you'll be officially a member of the Venice Diplomatic Society!
Online Subscription Form
After carefully reading the documents above, please provide here your personal data: